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Our Services

Software Development Services

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Web Application Development

Software Development

At Synergy Informatics, software development is all about catering to the clients needs, understanding the business processes of the clients and giving them the best solution. Our prime focus is to device software solutions that are scalable and flexible and that can help clients to adapt to the changing business environment. Our software solutions are user friendly and are designed with utmost care to see that the utilization of the software helps end user rather than becoming a pain.

After carefully studying the client’s requirement, we at Synergy Informatics makes use of the latest and right kind of the technology that best suits to our their needs. Key value additions from time to time during the software development life cycle blended with analytical, logical and systematic approach ensures that our software solutions are meant for long term usage and stable.

Our Software Development Services are spread across these areas:

  • Customized / Tailored Software Development
  • Client/Server Based Application
  • Mobile Application

    Customized / Tailor Made Software Development

    As said that no two businesses may have same processes or are alike even within the same industry vertical. The decision makers, the analysts and the users need fast and exact information to frame strategies and make effective decisions. Synergy Informatics customized software solutions are intended to meet the client’s business objectives especially when organizations endeavour for increased profitability and streamlined processes for growth. The software development practices and methodology followed at Synergy Informatics helps you to get the intended output with our customer centric approach and with our feedback systems designed so aptly that the end result assures you for the desired results.


    Client / Server Based Application Development

    Client / Server computing is emerging as the most appropriate computing technology in the business world which separates the functions of an application into two or more distinct parts. The client presents and manipulates data on the desktop computer. The server acts like a mainframe to store and retrieve protected data.

    At Synergy Informatics, we make use of structured methodologies and proven IT processes helps to reduce complexity, risks and costs associated with client/server development. We develop software applications and assist customers through out the entire software development Life Cycle, including project management, systems analysis and design, software development, implementation and training.


    It provides users with greater latitude in choosing software presentation, and software designers with greater latitude in creating programs that are pretty, readily customized, and modern...

  • Client-server systems divide up the work of computing among many separate machines
  • Can be administered from one central computer
  • Long term cost benefits for development and support
  • Easy to add new hardware to support new systems such as document imaging and video teleconferencing which would not be feasible or cost efficient in a mainframe environment
  • It can implement multiple vendor software tools for each application

    Mobile Application Development

    Synergy Informatics helps businesses to mobile enable their core services. With the Synergy Informatics’ expertise you can reach your customers at anytime as well as anywhere.

    Communication has made the world a global village. You can reach anybody, anywhere in the world from the comfort of your home by using a phone. But this of course involves human interaction. For your business there should be a mechanism which keeps your customers informed about your new services and that too irrespective of their location as well as their availability on a particular place at anytime.

    For this Synergy Informatics provides you with integration of SMS (Short Message Service) with your business. Using this service you can send SMS to your customers for promotion of new services that keeps rolling out. Also since SMS is the most reliable way of communication as of now, you rest assured that you have communicated what you wanted.

    Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) provides a robust framework and flexible environment for applications running on handheld devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs, as well as a broad range of embedded devices. Like its counterparts for the enterprise (J2EE), desktop (J2SE), J2ME includes Java virtual machines and a set of standard Java APIs defined through the Java Community Process, by expert groups whose members include leading device manufacturers, software vendors, and service providers.

    Our J2ME software engineers use MIDP and additional APIs (Mobile Media API, Wireless Messaging API, J2ME Web Services APIs, Security and Trust Services API for J2ME) in the development process. We have extensive experience in working with a wide range of mobile devices and frameworks to make solutions independent of device thus ensuring far greater reach.

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