Can I transfer my domain which has just expired?
No, you can not transfer any domain which you've registered earlier, and has just expired. For domain transfer to success, the domain must be active.
Expired domains (i.e. .COM/.NET/.ORG/.INFO/.BIZ/.MOBI/.NAME/.ME/.IN/.CO.IN) are held for 30-day Redemption Period per registry requirements, during which time any associated web site or email services may stop working. Retrieving the domain name during the Redemption Period may result in a reactivation fee. After the Redemption Period has ended, the domain may be released to the public. Related data - Web site files, emails, databases, etc. - may be removed from our server and no longer subject to recovery. Other domains have no redemption period or have an even higher reactivation fee. To avoid any loss, select Auto-Renew in your Control panel.
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